Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Benefits of Being............White

This is not for the weak at heart. If you can't take the heat then stay out of my kitchen because I put it all out there - race matters included.

Now for my first official post, I think it is very important to address one of the most pressing issues of the day...Michael Phelps and the marijuana saga.

Historically, white has always been the symbol of purity, but it is also the symbol of being able to get away with shit that black people would get crucified for doing. I ain't no Cornel West, but I can tell you that if Michael Phelps can get away scott free after being photographed taking a hit from a bong, then Michael Vick sure as hell went to jail for much of nothing.

That is not to say that I condone dog fighting, but what about the backwoods WPs who love to throw chicken fights? Sounds like the same thing to me, but I haven't heard much noise about saving the chicken. Some may argue that it shouldn't matter because we eat chicken. And I would counter that by asking them about the Asians that love to serve dog meat in their restaurants.

It's that good ol' black tax at play. No darkies are exempt unless you can still "pass" in today's society. The funny thing with passing is that black people know who has even one sixteenth of negro blood, but white people can't tell. The interesting fact is that as accepted as Beyonce is, even she couldn't pass thanks to that creole complexion. Let her get caught smoking up. It would be the scandal of the century and the end of Carmen Fierce.

I personally believe that there should have been more consequences for Mr. Phelps, in addition to the withdrawal of a few endorsements. If I was a millionaire and I got caught doing something, telling me I can't do a cereal promotion won't feel like much of nothing if I can still make a living from my real craft, swimming. It's like telling Diddy that he can't run the city anymore when he still gets to manage a record company, make clothes, and earn millions.

I hate to bring it up, but these situations always call into question that Duke lacrosse drama. If the tables were turned and it was a white girl (prostitute, girl gone wild, or not) versus the University of Miami football ninjas, would the outcome be the same? You be the judge...

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